Join the Community
Connector network

So far the Community Connectors programme has been introduced on six SHG estates.

By becoming a Community Connector you will automatically join a network of residents all doing similar work on their estates.Through this network you will be able to share ideas, advice and support with other residents all across the South of England!

Below are a few of the estates we have worked in over the last few years. Each estate has had a group of Community Connectors once upon a time. You may even live on one of the estates mentioned!

We have included a few projects to give you an idea of what’s possible, but remember each estate is different, so what works on one may or may not be right for another. Another thing to take into account when creating a new project is the current government guidelines with social distancing, please check these before organising.


Collingwood and Trafalgar Close

The Community Connectors at Collingwood and Trafalgar Close worked together to transform the unused green area around a path that cut the estate in two.

Despite lots of obstacles in their way the Connectors managed to keep up motivation and saw their vision to the end!


Bunkers Hill and Lukes Close

On Bunkers Hill and Lukes Close, the Connectors wanted to host an event that would bring residents together with a shared goal. They organised a clear up day on the estate which raised funds for Marie Curie.

Find out how they managed to get most of the estate outside sweeping their front drives!

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Liverpool Road

The group at Liverpool Road really wanted to provide an activity that would bring all residents, whatever age together. They decided to organise a series of Art workshops held in their Community Centre.

Find out how they advertised the workshops and organised the events!


Mount Pleasant

In Mount Pleasant the Connectors wanted to organise a Halloween event in their communal garden. They had a huge turnout from their neighbours with lots of games and activities.

Find out how they worked together to transform the estate into such a spooky setting on a budget!



Charterhouse are in the process of rejuvenating an area on their estate back into a growing area. They have come across lots of issues with funding but are planning on transforming the area in 2021.

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Mount Pleasant,

Mount Pleasant Connectors really wanted to transform their communal green space into somewhere every one the estate could enjoy.
They took our huge hedges, broken benches and replaced these with new picnic tables and lots of lovely plants.