
After your event has taken place you will be asked by the grants team to provide evidence that your event or project took place. This is a very simple form and usually just involves including some photos of the project. During the project make sure you document as much as you can, taking photos of residents (with their permission see page __ ) any activities or before and after shots. You can use your phone to take these, or if you are a keen photographer any camera will do. 

It is also a great idea to ask participants what they think of the project or event. Try and ask them during or after the event and note down what they say. You could ask them to fill out a survey or just have a conversation with them to get some feedback. All of this is so helpful for future grant applications as positive feedback proves that your project has been a success! If you want to run another event, it looks great to show in your next application especially for funding outside of SHG. 

It is also really important to count how many people attended or were involved. This will give you a good indication for future projects on what you need but also who is joining in. A sign in sheet at the beginning of the event is always really handy. That way you can also ask for permission to take photos and if they want to be contacted about future projects they can leave their contact details. 

These details must be kept safely and we advise putting these in a safe and separate folder.  


9. Risk Assessment


11. Communication