Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is something that has to be filled in before an event or project takes place. 

This ensures that as the organiser you are aware of all the risks that could possibly happen and ways in which you can prevent them. 

Included in this section is an example risk assessment for an outdoor event. You are welcome to use the ones that are appropriate for on your own event but make sure you include anything specific to your estate as the example is general. There is also a blank risk assessment for you to fill in for your own project. 

Each risk assessment will also have to include the risk of passing on Covid-19 and include ways in which you can ensure that social distancing is taking place. Whatever project you decide to organise it is really important that you can keep things clean and protective wear is available and worn when needed.  

A top tip for writing your own risk assessment is to think and make a list with all the things that could go wrong. This isn’t the funnest task but is one of the most important. The more risks you think of, the more prepared you will be on the day in the unlikely event that something does go wrong. 

Once you have thought of what could go wrong, think about how it might cause harm. 

For example; A risk could be ‘loose cables’. 

The worse case result is someone could trip over the cable and sprain a muscle or break a bone. 

The likelihood of this happening is ‘medium’ 

The impact is low ( it shouldn’t cause permanent damage or death) 

Actions to be taken include all the things you could do to prevent the worst case scenario. For our example this could include, repositioning any electrical items so cables are tight to the walls, you could also tape the cables to the floor and make sure they are clearly labelled with a warning sign.


When writing a risk assessment during the current pandemic it is important to include the following risk: 


8. Third Party Suppliers


10. Evaluation