Gardening Neighbours Funding

Here are some ideas of what you could use the Gardening Neighbours Grant for on your estate:

  • Grow fruit and veg for you and your neighbours in a communal space 

  • Cultivate a flower garden in a communal area for your community to enjoy 

  • Transform the front of your property in a way that others may enjoy 

  • Plant flowers in time for spring around trees in your green spaces 

  • Grow plants in a window box or in pots around your front entrance 

  • Improve the appearance of a disused area on your estate 

  • Teach children to grow their own food 

SHG can pay for some or all of your costs, up to the value of:

  • £500 for projects involving five people or more 

  • £250 for projects involving between two and four people 

  • £50 for individual projects 

The total amount applied for may not be awarded and applicants should only list costs that are directly relevant to their project


Example Projects


Mount Pleasant Communal Garden


Liz’s Raised beds


Bunkers Hill Community Garden


Task - Apply for a Gardening Neighbours Grant


5. Funding


7. Making Lives Better Grant