
A very important part of bringing your idea to life is working out what you need and where to get it. For many projects funding is key but it’s not always easy to know where to get it from.

Luckily SHG offers multiple grants which can be applied for through their grants team. You can get funding for putting on big events, garden projects, after school clubs and even to purchase equipment and materials. At the time of writing, due to Covid- 19 the types of projects that will be allowed to run will differ from usual. Fun days that were common in the past will look a lot different to what they used to. Don’t let this put you off as there are still plenty of ways to engage with your neighbourhood whilst still keeping everyone safe. 

You may want to wait before planning a big event until it is safer to organise or if you’d like to see how you might be able to adapt ideas for during the pandemic, check out our suggested Covid - safe project ideas here.

The form for SHG grants are straightforward and very simple, but you may need to provide more information for external funding so it is good to get your project aims in place.

Things to do before you apply for Funding

  1. Can you sum up your project idea in a few lines?

  2. Write down the benefits your project will have for residents.

  3. Work out how many people you hope will attend, as well as the maximum and minimum you will be able to cater for.

  4. What are the basic things you need for the project to be a success? This could include materials, food, equipment, music, activities, refreshments, shelter etc - try and estimate the costs for all these. Could you get any of them for free or for cheaper?

  5. Are there any residents, friends or local people that you could call on for their skills  - face painter, DJ, artist, gardener etc - Don’t be afraid to ask for favours!

  6. Identify any local businesses or charities that might be able to help ( from wildlife trusts to garden centres, food vans to community groups). They may have equipment you can borrow for free like a BBQ or might be able to provide activities or members of staff you help with the project.

  7. Make sure you have thought about how the project might work under the government's social distancing guidelines. Check these regularly so you aren’t taken by surprise!

You can download and print a PDF of these questions here. Or contact us for a printed copy to be sent to you.

Where to get Funding?


Gardening Neighbours

Gardening Neighbours will award grants up to £500 towards the cost of gardening projects that benefit their local communities.
This could include cultivating plants or flowers in disused areas, teaching children to grow their own food, or growing fruit and vegetables for others to enjoy.


Lives Better

SHG can award grants of up to £1,000 to residents, supported housing schemes and community groups, for projects that benefit of SHG customers and the community. The funding should also help with the following themes Neighbourliness and Communities Improving Health and Wellbeing Sustaining Tenancies Tackling Poverty.


COVID-19 Community Support Fund

SHG are able to award grants to constituted community / volunteer groups (with a community group bank account) taking an active role to respond to emerging Covid-19 needs for Southern Housing Group residents.

Grants are available to support community action to help Southern Housing Group residents affected by the Covid-19 outbreak.


External Funding

You can also look externally for funding from other organisations that aren’t SHG. Many local councils have pots of money that are for community projects. There are also larger organisations such as the GLA in London, which often have funding for projects. These may require more detailed funding application forms but SHG staff are always here to help support you with these.

Task - Complete the ‘things to do before you apply for funding’ list

Task - Research local organisations that might be able to offer funding or support


4. Find Your Allies


6. Gardening Neighbours