Find your allies

Your neighbours

One of the key aims of the Community Connector programme is to connect neighbours together. We know from experience that trying to run a project alone can be tough and it always helps to have others to support you.

Engaging your neighbours

Community projects aren’t successful overnight, and support from your neighbours is key. Persistence, optimism and trust are key when trying to get your neighbours on board. Don’t be put off if you hear negative comments, but instead use them to motivate you and work hard on making sure your project is a success!

A great way to find out if your neighbours are keen to get involved is to simply ask them. if you feel you don’t know your neighbours that well, it’s a great way to meet them. We have created a leaflet you can post. If you don’t have access to a printer then contact us and we can send you some copies to post.

Task - Post a leaflet to your neighbours

Task - Start a conversation with your neighbour

Other organisations

Are there any existing projects you know about that work in the area. Could they be of any help to your project? It is always great to collaborate with projects as other organisations can help provide equipment, advice and support with volunteers. It could be that you want to use your project to fundraise for a charity or local cause - many charities will join in with your projects and provide activities or equipment. You might even want to get in touch with your local councillor.

Task - Get in touch with a local organisation

Task - Find out who your local councillor is

SHG Staff

Your Home Services Manager as well as the care-taking team can be really supportive when it comes to helping out with projects. if you are not sure who your Home Service Manager is - why not try and find out!

You will see the housing care team around your estate from now and then, why not say hello next time you see them.

Task - Find out who your HSM and estate housing team are


3. Project Ideas


5. Funding