Project Ideas

You may already have an idea of what you would like to see on your estate, or this might be the first time you have sat down to think about it. We have created a list to get you started:


  • Cooking

  • Art

  • Children’s workshops

  • Mural


  • Raised beds

  • Communal gardening

  • Allotments

  • Bulb planting


  • Clear up day

  • Litterpick

  • Wildlife day


  • Carboot sale

  • Clothes swap

  • Bake sale


  • Picnic benches

  • Gym equipment


  • Bouncy castle

  • BBQ

  • Fun day

  • Halloween

  • Christmas

These are just a few ideas to get you inspired, a great way to think about potential projects to fit with your estate is by creating a mind map. We would recommend starting with your estate in the middle, have a think about what the estate has then think about what the estate doesn’t have. For example you might have a huge green space, but nowhere to sit? Don’t forget to think about what YOU would like to see on the estate. You and your neighbours are the experts when it comes to what your estate needs.

Once you have settled on a few ideas it’s best to then find out if this is something your neighbours might also want. They may even have other ideas and it’s important to listen before settling on an idea.


The more people you have backing your project the more likely it will succeed. For some funding you need more than one person to submit the application, other projects may need a group of people to help put the project together, especially with events as these are hard to do alone!

Once you have decided on your project have a think about the following questions:

  • Who will the project benefit?

  • What do you need for the project to be successful?

  • How long will the project take?

  • Will it be easily damaged?

  • How will you know when the project is finished?

  • Who do you need help from?

  • What would make your project possible?

Task - Make a mind map of potential project ideas.


2. Your Neighbourhood


4. Find Your Allies