Your Neighbourhood

Every project the Community Connectors project has supported has started from an idea that a resident has had. You may have already had a lot of ideas for what you would like to see on your estate, or this might be the first time you have had time to think about it.

About Your Estate

To start with, let’s get a bit of an understanding about your estate, although some of these questions might seem obvious it is so helpful to have them all in one place to reference. You can copy out the answers below into a notebook, download our editable PDF here or contact us here and we can send you a printed version.

Where are you based?

What type of housing is on your estate?
Low rise/ High rise/ Houses/ Flats /Bedsits /Sheltered

How many households live on your estate? ( approx)

Who lives on your estate?
Individuals/ Families with children/ Young Couples/ Older people/ Students

Do you have any Green Spaces?
Green Lawns/ Balconies/ Community Garden/ Allotments/ Playground/ Front Gardens/ Private Gardens/ Shared Gardens/ Raised Beds/ Other

Do you have any communal indoor spaces?

Common Room/ Community Centre/ Shared Living Space/ Other

Have there been projects on your estate before?
If yes what were they? Were they successful?

Do you know who your Housing Service Manager (HSM) is?

What do you enjoy about living on your estate?

What would improve living here for you?

What do you think your neighbours would want to see change?

Your neighbours

Why not ask a few neighbours these same questions too - it will help gain an understanding of how others also experience your estate. 

Asking your neighbours for their opinions will also help when it comes to deciding what project to run, your neighbours might have some ideas already and be keen to help. It would be a great opportunity to explain the Community Connectors programme!

You can download a printable version of these questions here which you could use to fill out yourself or when asking your neighbours. It’s important to tell people how you will be using their information, if they choose to not provide their personal details their information will remain anonymous. Make sure you keep the information safe and private, treat it as you would want your information to be stored.

 TASK - Ask your neighbours the same questions


1. Getting Started


3. Project Ideas