Getting Started

As well as improving your estate, being a Community Connector is also about finding out what interests you!

Many of our Community Connectors have gained amazing experience planning and putting together projects on their estates whilst also focusing on things they’ve always wanted to do.  From gaining qualifications, learning new skills to spending more time on the activities they care about. You might want a career change? Or a chance to learn new skills? 

By becoming a Community Connector you will have access to Southern 360 funding pots, these can be used towards running projects and qualifications. Completing this toolkit could be your first step towards making a positive change in your life as well as in your neighbourhood.

It’s also a great space to try new things, meet new people and discover new opportunities. So what are you waiting for - let’s get started!

 Throughout the toolkit there will be suggested questions to answer and tasks to complete. You can simply answer the questions in a notebook or on each page there will be a link to a downloadable worksheet. You can access all the worksheets here.
If you prefer to have these worksheets printed and don’t have access to a printer contact us here with your address and we can post out printed versions to you. Please read through our privacy statement before sharing your details with us.

A few questions

Below are a few questions which will help set you up for getting started. We have listed them below so you can answer them in a notebook, or download an editable PDF here. If you would like a printed version posted to you then please email us here.

Why did you want to get involved?

What appeals to you the most about becoming a Community Connector?

What skills would you like to gain?

What skills do you already have?

What would you love to spend more time doing?


2. Your Neighbourhood